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We accept inquiry about Kushiro Airport Terminal Building Co.,Ltd. here.
About inquiry, opinion that we had, we will make use for future service improvement.
In addition, we do only with thing about facility in Airport Terminal about inquiry, opinion because we perform maintenance duties of Airport Terminal Building.

  • As you offer FAQ, at first please confirm.
  • You give an answer within business hours, but please note in principle that you may have time to some extent.
  • About inquiry, opinion that we had, we may not answer all.
  • Inquiry, answer about opinions that we had is thing only for the purpose of answering specific question of customer who inquired.
    I decline our thing that I use part of answer contents or the whole conversion, the second without permission or disclose other than the customer concerned firmly.
  • Ask each airline about inquiry about navigation.
  • about use of airport in private plane.
  • about setting restrictions such as buildings around the airport and flights such as drones.

Please note that you do not answer the following questions.

  1. Business information, adoption of Hokkaido Airports Co.,Ltd., the administration situation
  2. Proposal of business, inquiry in personal study purpose
  3. When full name, e-mail address are unclear
  4. Brochure, requests such as maps for sending, inquiry of visit
  5. The time information for means of transportation

Inquiry form

After filling out matter necessary for the following forms in the lower page please click "confirmation button by transmission contents".
in the case of required item hega non-entry, please be careful as you cannot accept.
In addition, due to the security top, we cannot accept inquiry with the following free mail. Thank you for your understanding.
(@yahoo.co.jp, @icloud.com, @me.com, @hotmail.com, @outlook.jp, @outlook.com, @live.jp, @hotmail.co.jp)

When it is transmitted using e-mail address of cell-phone, smartphone

Target adress
@E-mail address of published by contract carriers such as docomo.ne.jp, @ezweb.ne.jp, @ softbank.ne.jp

When he/she uses e-mail address of cell-phone when we perform inquiry, inquiry reception desk email (automatic reply) from us may become not yet delivered. We have e-mail address of errand register with PC or would appreciate your setting to receive email from hokkaido-airports.co.jp with cell-phone, smartphone of errand.

You can confirm reception setting change of the cell-phone companies than the following Link
Name required
E-mail address required
Zip code -
Phone number - -
Message required
  • ANA
  • JAL
  • AIR DO
  • SUPER FANTASTIC Kushiro Lake Akan